Akumbo Mills Instant Tom Brown is a highly nutritional porridge meal perfect for weaning babies and those that want to build up protein and iron nutrient contents in their body. It’s made out of millet, groundnut, soybeans, nixtamalized yellow corn, pineapple, and other spices.
Akumbo Mills Instant Tamba is a porridge meal made out of finger millet, groundnuts, pineapple & spices. It’s perfect for those doing weight management & excellent for those managing type 2 diabetes due to its low glycemic level.
Akumbo Mills Instant Tamarind-Tamba is a variant of our Tamba product but this version contains tamarind, which gives it a slight but delightful sour taste.
All these products are in powder form and need to be cooked in a similar manner to Quaker Oats.
You may garnish them with delicious toppings, milk, and sweeteners.